> History of BLEC > BLEC Board

BLEC Board

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Founders in 1970:
Connecticut: Edward Childs, Linc Foster, Don Warner, Bill Schrenk
Massachsetts: Holger Oleen, William DeVoti, Rufus Burton

2018 Executive Committee:

Starling W. Childs, President & Chairman of Trustees
Nic Osborn, Vice-President, Connecticut
Tim Gray, Vice-President, Massachusetts
Ellery W. Sinclair, Secretary and Treasurer
B. Blake Levitt, Communications Director

2018 Trustees:

Leila Baroody
Peter Findlay
Judy Herkimer
Lois Jensen
Janet Jensen
Susan Kelsey
Edward Kirby
Alan Lovejoy
Malcolm MacLaren
William O. Riiska
George T. Smith
Louis Timolat
Joseph Woodard
Alice B. Yoakum

Legal Counsel, Gabriel N. Seymour, P.C.
Administrative Assistant, Sara M. Lloyd

Honorary Trustee & Counsel Emeritus:
William F. Morrill

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